Current Reels

Friday, March 30, 2007

Castigator Animation Tests

Well the model has been textured and rigged by moi, and as you can see below I have started the animation on it. I think I might have to adjust a few of the control curves as they begin to displace when the model rotates, I think I have them out of thier proper heirarchy so it should be just a small matter to fix. also I have a blocked in pass of the smoke particles, they will obviously become more smoke like the more I refine them, but as a first pass without really touching them at all I think its starting to work.
Well back to it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Late night Folly

Hahaha, so it took me well over 30 tries to remember my login for my blog here, guess I should write it down or something, well I have more work to be posted but after a few tries the animation playblast just looked horrible. It looks great on the computer but when you upload it and link it from Youtube then it looks pretty crappy. I will have to find a way to get a better rendered copy of the test to post, I may have to wait till its done b4 I can post it, will have to see.
Till then. Have a good 1

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Things are taking shape

Finally one of my very first models that I actually went back to and re-modelled to get the poly layout done properly is basically finished. All the modelling is mine, the initial UV layout is mine also, I had a friend(Jeongwon Cho) do the texturing and I believe he re did a bunch of the UV layouts. I have to admit though he did an incredible job, I have learned a whole ton for my new model about texturing from him and hopefully it will look half as good as the texture job he did for my tank. I threw in some quick lights for this post but I will improve the lighting for my reel.
Anyhow I will be back to my other model(see Occlussion image below) this comming week, I started re-modelling the arms and I have a quick start to its animation, most of the rig is done, I have the arm rig in just no controls for them, not hrd to add them in as I go though.
Well I'm off to bed have a good 1!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Lethargy Lad

Well I have been busy trying to get employment and so far no luck. Unfortunately I have not heard back from the interview I had some time back but oh well, onwards and upwards right?

So here is a quick Occlussion of the character that I'm working on. It will eventually have arms but right now it still looks really cool. I may not add them but who knows I probably will.